Sunday, August 19, 2007

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Friday was independence day here so we had the day off. It was a big holiday but really everything is done on the neighborhood level here for celebrating. We had our neighborhood picnic Thursday evening and so on Friday we just had an open day. Nice because we don't get weekdays that often and since we were in Singapore for the last break we didn't get much housework done. A run down of what has kept us busy:

- Preparations for @'s school birthday party on Tuesday. Logistics of cake, food, treats and gifts for his class.

- Buying groceries. Bought my first chicken.
- Cut my first whole chicken. A little wierd and I probably did a bad job but we were happy enough.
- July's financials finished, August up to date.
- Household inventory with price conversions from purchased local price to USD figures.
- Refiling all of the receipts from 6 months.
- 4 loads of laundry, washed, hung up, put away
- 2 lizards released from a water pitcher left out last night.
- Homework read for the next week
- 1 Essay completed for next week
- verb homework done
- @ presents from grandparents wrapped
- a delicious indian chicken made
- 3 art journal pages (something new I'm trying)
- chocolate chip bars made for @'s birthday
- learned the rice cooker (sounds really pathetic but I've been intimidated by the rice cooker for the last 6 months, I've barely touched it. Ibu uses it everyday. It sounded too easy to be true and indeed it is easy).
- walked a million miles around town
- finally made it to church this week (we've been trying to get there now for a month)
- Cleaned out the fridge.
- Swept and mopped floors
- printed pictures for neighbors
- watched 2 movies- 1 good, 1 not good but with a hysterical cover

That doesn't seem like as much but it sure has felt like a lot.

1 comment:

Gretchen Magruder said...

holy cow!! That's the kind of productive weekend I WISH I had...instead, we chose to watch GHANDI with the girls, write a couple of sermons, and vacuum...sigh...I suppose there will be time for all of the rest after things settle down!

Hey! Did you know our brother and his wife are in Hawaii right now?? Are they stopping by to visit you on the way back? Oh, maybe that's a little out of the way....