Tuesday, April 26, 2005

decaf coffee

admittedly decaf doesn't exactly do it for me the way regular does but after a year of it, I'm settling in i think. I'm looking forward to August because I will surely be done nursing and then I can stop the decaf and get way into the cappucino, bun, and other caffienated yummies our corner of the world offers. Every morning I wake up, check email, sip my decaf until the boy wakes up. Normally he is up by now so I'm using a little free time to blog. Completely new experience in my day. @ is probably rolling around in his bed though. His new favorite past time is rolling- anywhere and everywhere at light speeds. Yesterday we left him to chase a tennis ball around the hallway/ entry way while we cleaned the office. Our houseworker,W, tried to pick him up and talk to him, thinking surely he would rather be picked up. Not true, he was on a roll and scoot. Happy little boy. He's beginning to perk so the day must begin even on decaf.


Gretchen Magruder said...

yea, Amanda!!! Welcome to the world of blogging...you'll soon be addicted, as I am!

Thank you for indulging your pushy sisters-in-law....you know we only do it because we love you!! Just wait, next you'll learn to put photos on your blog....but let's not rush into anything...

shawanda said...

Hey Amanda!

I must say that I am looking forward to reading about your day to day life. I won't say that about too many people or their blogs. But there is just something about you that I have always found fascinating. Even when it's just a simple paragraph about decaf coffee.

Unknown said...

I want it to be known that if I can get Pete, Jake T, and that sweet Shawanda to be commenting on my blog I'll be in front of the screen day and night.

Unknown said...

So, new to the whole blog thing. Been avoiding it for an eion (sp?)
Anyway, Our happiest congratulations on the wedding. I'm sorry I'm a slacker at email but apparently I'm a blogaholic so what are you going to do. We're thrilled for you. Of course we will happily crash your wedding if we somehow manage to be stateside. Would you direct me to a way that I can know who this person is that you are marrying? I feel very out of the loop (very much my own fault).

An aside about wedding dresses... Duckies in Champaign Urbana. Good prices, helpful lady, loads of choices. Just an idea.

Pictures of you, this man that is somehow good enough for you (I find this doubtful but whatever you think, I hear we're both big girls now).

all our love

What is ettiquette for a blog- you don't really have to sign off do you? Curious