Thursday, May 05, 2005

free time

I’m in the middle of one of those rare breaks that come before @’ bedtime. Jonathan is in a meeting and @ is sitting with W who is busy doing odd jobs around the house. I’ve had the opportunity to put away more of @’ clothes that have somehow shrunk – all of those 0-3 months, and 3-6 months somehow just don’t quite cut it anymore. Little socks- whose feet are ever that small. Little hats- did we really go out and specifically buy that hat because his head was too small for the others? Anyway they’ve all taken residence in the upstairs storage room. I put them away while sipping Constant Comment Tea. Then, because I was feeling especially free, I went up to the roof, dangled my feet over the edge and watched the city. What a nice way to spend even five minutes. Yesterday passed so quickly but today seems to be doing a sweet linger. Rather a friendly gesture after a fast day. Even tonight I still get to look forward to making homemade tortillas while jonathan debriefs/ degriefs from his meeting. I should tell you about making tortillas sometime…

1 comment:

Gretchen Magruder said...

It sounds glorious!! Sometimes I long for those days with a little baby when I could count on a few hours each day of "alone time" while they would nap....ahhh.....

I enjoyed our "bouncy chairs" on the patio yesterday, and thought of you dangling your feet over the side of the building.....:-)