Monday, August 08, 2005

New Arrivals

The pop and the sizzle of a new Harry Potter book may be over for most of you but it is just beginning at our house. Jonathan picked up the book at the post yesterday and we got through the first 2 chapters last night before bed. We read to each other because otherwise we would need to buy 2 copies of the book and that just seems silly. Actually we were in the middle of reviewing the 4th book and so now I'm a little torn between finishing 4 and starting 6. I got over it pretty quickly.

Now the problem comes: do I read Harry Potter or plan my child's 1st birthday party? Everybody and there aunt here says 1st birthday party but I think you'll agree with me when I say we are reading Harry Potter and I have good idea where I'm going with the 1st birthday thing. Don't worry, HP isn't involved. I think we'll do national food and maybe try to find @ the little white suit that boys traditionally wear. I keep thinking I'll take a little "vacation" time after all of our guests leave but it isn't looking like it. The last of our guests leave tomorrow but I have a sale I'm supposed to be planning to. I think I need to forget reading and go to audio books. They use to be our favorite when we were in the states. We drove everywhere and stopped at all of the Cracker Barrels to rent an audio book.


Steph H. said...

I think you should have had Shawanda read you HP over that fancy audio bloggin' she does from time to time, then you wouldn't have to waste your time reading it. I love audio books. Once I got, "The End of The Affair," on audio book at BArnes and Noble for one amercian dollar. awesome. And . . . oh my goodness, you're baby's gonna be one. What fun!

shawanda said...

Steph you are too funny. . .but I probably would do it if you asked me. :-)

I have to agree with the two of you about audio books. John and I used to love getting audio books whenever we had a long drive ahead of us. Even books that I probably wouldn't enjoy reading on my own are better when playing through your car stereo.

shawanda said...

Hey, maybe we can have an international b-day party for Atticus. You know, come up with some way where we are all eating cake or something at the same time - singing happy birthday.

Unknown said...

I'll let you know on party plans. Perhaps Atticus can have his first birthday in the blogosphere. Yeah, that is something that would happen when we were kids.

I don't think that I could listen to the End of the Affair being read to me. I love Graham Greene but his books border on the erotic for me. I think it is the passion of his characters. Yeah, not a good idea to be listening to anything from Graham Greene.