Wednesday, May 03, 2006

the last 24 hours

just in the way of update. So we bought a new computer in february. the hard drive died yesterday. they sent us a nwe one today, its refurbished. sigh... maybe we'll look into when we get home.

we had a speaking thing today. planned to leave after for mops for an evening appointment. everyone buckled into the car by 12:30 looked like a good day for driving. about 20 miles from home the guages started flipping high to low and cold to hot. then the car start smoking. white smoke which is good smoke if your car is smoking. pulled over, call for the tow truck and the company to bring around a new car. yeah, pretty sure that the loaner maybe on its knees. don't know yet, had to get on the road to get to the speaking thing.

doctor's appointment tomorrow, a little nervous because on par things haven't been that terrific lately.


Anonymous said...

I hope the car holds out for you...btw, are you expecting? Just thought I'd ask, people ask me, and I'm not!


Gretchen Magruder said...

wow! that's how rumors get started.....

Unknown said...

gracious no, i'm not expecting. No I haven't been to a doctor in 2 years, I just thought a checkup was in order!
