Today something simply astounding happened at our house: @ used the big boy potty. Its the first time. Jon and I thought we were still on the introductory stage but lo and behold we're in the try it out stage. "One small step for @ man, one giant leap for the household" (that's what he really said if you listen to the audio closely).
Yesterday, I narrowly missed a dog attack. Went for walk through neighborhood and rather large "hooch" type talk didn't like my presence on the sidewalk. He nipped at me and I tried calling for help to no avail. Fortunately another rather menacing looking dog had better things to do and they distracted one antoher while I speedwalked down the street.
@ and i went to Shelbyville IL today for a little trip through Scarecrow "Daze". Sadly it seems that it isn't a daytime event and so we enjoyed Forest Park instead. Pictures forth coming. A nice little lunch at "Just Like Grandma's" restaurant and we were ready for the trip home and a nice nap.
Comment forth coming on my thoughts on Starbucks and her problem with the ghetto.
You have a strong command of the phrase "forth coming".
Are you guys coming up to hear Todd preach at 1st Baptist tomorrow? I've heard it's the beginning of the 3rd Awakening. Or something.
Come to Champaign and got to Curtis Orchard with Liam and I someday. It's great fall fun. I'm off work on Thuesdays and Fridays. That's when Liam and I go to places like the orchard, etc.
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