I've been working around the house a little the last few weeks. Trying to get a little ahead on knowing where things are at before our move in January. Our landlord came around the other day to double check that we weren't sticking around past Jan. She went out on a limb giving us a 6 month rent when everything else in town is a year. She's hoping to be able to fill it in Jan. for the rest of the year (school year). I'm hoping it goes well for her because she was so kind to us.
Anyway, I had some green coffee beans squirrled away. I originally got them for VBS during the summer to talk to kids about but I had a kilo so there were alot of them. Last week I went ahead and roasted them. Such happiness. Coffee roasting in the American home is not often done I think but man alive HAPPINESS! Jonathan liked the whole thing until the smell lingered a day. I took some pictures of course.
Then this last weekend we went to my mom's to clean out the shed. She has been believing that we had a lot of our stuff in it. NOT TRUE! and I've been vindicated. My sister and I both have 4 or 5 boxes. My mom has tons of junk! She's been saving empty boxes so that she will have them to send to us when we leave. One or two boxes are good ideas, she has a dozen or so. So we had a good laugh and then set to throwing things away. I think in total we took out 10 boxes and bags of trash to the curb. Again so glad that we could get that straightened away. And yes, I found my silverware. Nevermind the fact that I bought new silverware 3 weeks ago:) Now I have flatware to serve 16, Is that enough?
We did find a treasure in the shed though. My sister and I had playhouses when we were kids. Jen's was a seasame street set complete with big bird, cookie monster, bert, ernie and trash. I got it all out and cleaned it up for @. He hasn't stopped playing with it.
ok blogger doesn't feel like posting photos. I've been turned down 4 times. I'll try later.
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