Sunday, December 30, 2007

biopores & composting

Tell me everything you know about composting and/ or biopores. If we decide on the house that we think is it, we'll have some green space so I'm thinking on composting. I know its easy and I don't want garbage pickers in my trash (people do that here). But if you read the wikipedia on composting, its full of anerobic this and thermophilic that. I don't want to get into all of that, I'm just thinking I can put my coffee grounds and cheese rinds to good use.

Coming up a review of Mondo Beyondo 2007 and maybe sometime later in the month Mondo Beyondo 2008.

1 comment:

ChrisMc said...

We had a compost pile. It did well as long as what I put in was "garden trash"...clippings, pulled weeds, grass clippings, etc. Actually the kitchen trash I put in decomposed well too - in time. But I didn't do all the turning of the pile, watering, monitoring temperature etc.

Once I started with the kitchen trash (veg peelings, etc) my neighbor complained that he saw a racoon and a rat feasting on the watermelon rinds. Ewww...not what I had in mind.

You might want to research the ins and outs of composting better than I did so you don't get trash pickers of the four legged variety.

I will say we did get some mighty fine organic matter to dig into the garden soil.