Sunday, March 02, 2008

Whatever happened to Sputnik?

This is what came out of breakfast table conversation this morning. @ asked for a story about a spaceship and Jonathan gave him something about JFK's space program. That brought us around to the space race, and my question, "Whatever happened to Sputnik?" I'm thinking of 2 people I suspect have the answer but I take an answer from anyone. I suspect Josh Henry, who knows any number of abstract facts, many of the dealing with Russian History, or my sister Janet, who puts kids in space 5 days a week, should have an answer for me.

Yesterday evening we spent sometime with a friend and she helped us finish desinging the new counters for the kitchen. Let me tell you that sounds like lots of fun but if you have trouble deciding where to go for Sunday Lunch, you should really skip the cabinet design thing and go for what's available. Unless there isn't anything available because people really don't have kitchen cabinets in the country you live in. Then grit your teeth and get ready to make a ton of decisions.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Sputnik 1 burned up on January 4, 1958 as it fell from orbit upon reentering Earth's atmosphere, after traveling about 60 million km (37 million miles) and spending 3 months in orbit. *this fun fact courtesy wikipedia...