Saturday, March 01, 2008

So its March

I remember thinking back in January how excited I was for March to come because by that point we'd be in some fashion "settled". And I was so right! So its March today and we really are settled . We've been accomplishing our task lists. The huge wall moving, stair renovation work is finished (and looks GREAT). @'s room can now be cleaned up by himself. When I sweep, there isn't cement dust or sawdust. This week I went into town and bought and AC unit for @'s bedroom and arranged the installation and service of our current AC units all by myself. That would be a huge language task that I did on my own. Feeling cool about that. Jonathan installed a new door on our service bathroom, still needs a handle but it shuts, which is a significant improvement. He installed a new light for us in the project room. I went out today and bought new lights for the bathroom. Jonathan cleaned the trap on the bathroom sink which actually turned into replumbing the sink. I bought a few rugs for our bedrooms. Yeah, we're in a good spot.

Last week I was able to finally buy a table to use as a desk and I unpacked the scrapbook supplies and my offfice supplies. I was able to catch up on some bookkeeping (YES)! Yeah, I have an office now and can find stuff.

Next week, hoping to get the bathroom lights installed and the door knob on the bathroom door. Hoping to have counter made for the kitchen this week. Meal prep off a bookshelf is just about to make me crazy. The ledge is just wide enought for things to fall off. I've explored around town some and now have fabric for sheets (we had to buy beds and the sheets we had don't actually fit the beds we bought) and need to find someone to hem them up.

Still on the prowl for somethings but for the most part we are past the necessity stage. Getting the kitchen sink installed helped and stairs instead of a glorified ladder.

That is where I have been


Gretchen Magruder said...

Whew!! You're sounding very "proverbs 31ish"!!

Anonymous said...

You are definitely super mom!