Monday, May 12, 2008

settling in

Definitely more of a settled in feeling today. A friend called the other day and asked if I'd be willing to meet someone she thought might be houseworker potential. I met her last night and then again this morning and I think she'll work out. I've got her on an extened trial period for the month. This week is just half days so that I can get to know how she works and train her to do somethings that I'm particular about (ok, so that is really like 1 thing when it comes to someone who wants to clean my house, PLEASE DON'T IRON THE UNDERWEAR). Then next week she starts full days 9-3, which is really as much as I can bear to have someone in my house. She seems like a good person and she wasn't afraid of Jonathan so that's a miracle.

@ had a good first day back to a new week of school. We had a good conversation with the principal on friday and they have put an extra teacher in @'s class. She helps all of the kids but particularly @, which is great because he still is trying to figure out the routine. Still I'm feeling better about it, at least for this 5 minute period of time. I'll freak out again later. Oh, and miracle of all miracles, @ napped today!

This weekend we went up the mountain and had an opportunity to see a really well done performance of Hamlet from High school kids. I know, crazy, high school kids doing Hamlet on stage for people to pay to watch. Sounds crazy. But the kids were amazing. Their characters were bang on. So fun to watch. While we were up the mountain is was breezy and we were downright cool. I wouldn't let @ swim at the hotel because with the wind it was too cold to swim.

Today I went to the grocery and realized I've finally settled down. I bought no sugar, rice or flour. Normally these are things I buy obsessively because of the shortages we experienced in Africa. Even when we were in the states I bought way too much of these. Today I walked right on by and I don't have a crazy surplus in the cabinet. Only 1kg of flour and 2 kgs of sugar. This is a record low for me. Feeling like good mental health girl today.

1 comment:

Gretchen Magruder said...

hmmmm....I might have a problem with hoarding Aldi Chocolate Chips....but at only .99/bag, how can you pass it up?!

Glad you're feeling better about things....Happy Mother's Day!