Thursday, December 06, 2007

little bits of paper

Its been quite a flying week and I'm rather hoping that as tomorrow is Friday that things will start to settle down a bit. Monday and Tuesday we were out job searching and for me christmas shopping. Actually @ and I spent lot of time walking. We walked around what will be Jonathan's new campus and the neighborhood surrounding it. We went to the mall and I bought a tree and ornaments. We did lunch together and played at the arcade for a while waiting for Jonathan after his meetings. Got back home and needed to write a presentation for Wednesday morning, which didn't got terrifically well. Then Wednesday evening we put up the tree and decorated it, its beautiful. I mean stunningly beautiful in that it is so surprising. I love it. Wednesday afternoon I also wrote a speech for our weekly meeting at school.

Then today has been a flood of little papers. T
- The corrected paper i got from yesterday's presentation.
- The invitation and the little souvenir card (which I lost and found) for the birthday party.
- The directions to the party that I'm taking @ to.
- The letter from @'s school about the holiday party.
- The bill for @'s school (which I had paid last week).
- The dress code for @'s school party.
- The invitation for Jon and I to be ushers at the school party.
- The note from Jonathan saying there is a hole in the bathroom and dining room floors and that the taxi I needed for today wants way too much money.
- The card for @'s friend.
- A dozen litte reciepts that need to be filed for our expenses.

I'm off to a birthday party for a 3 year old that will rival those mega parties you see on tv for the spoiled rich kids. I really need a new attitude.

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