Thursday, January 20, 2011

my nook color

I've been asking/ telling my husband that I thought he needed a kindle/ nook/ ereader for over a year. I had read a little bit about this "miracle of technology" (i'm sure someone has said that before me) and knew this was the destiny of my husband's book habit. See, he is a voracious reader. He reads anything. He has preferences certainly but when push comes to shove, really he'll read anything. Normally he wants a rarely heard of much acclaimed author or for fun a Tom Clancy or David Baldacci. But I've seen him reading my how to be a good christian mother books or how to be a good homeschool mom books. Needless to say, when we start buying books to feed his appetite, we also start needing to buy furniture to keep some of these books in. Some of the books we can let go of but he is an english instructor so some books he does need to keep for teaching. The last bookshelf we bought was actually listed as a shoe cabinet but it was way better as a bookshelf, unless you're Amelda Marcos. That purchase brought to light another fact, we're running out of space in our home for bookshelves. And again I suggested an ereader type device. My husband continually said there was no need. I sighed and wondered how we could strap a bookshelf to the ceiling or if one could pull up out of the floor.

Then my friend Lisa showed us her Kindle. We were at a conference together and Lisa pulled out her stylish machine. I sat next to her during a session and distractedly looked at her glide through pages. SO COOL! Lisa's a voracious reader too and so we talked about it. I was sold. Jonathan needs this machine. "Oh, no. I really don't, " said Jonathan. Sigh...

Then we came back to the States. While in the Barnes and Noble, I stopped at the Nook booth. Just curious to hold one and I really wanted to hear the sales pitch. Sometimes a good pitch helps talk me out of things as well as anything else. I know when I'm in over my head with technology and that is typically the juxt of a sales pitch "Oh, just look at the technology. All you need is to learn to do 27 new things with words that you don't know what they mean and then you can use this little lovely." Well, the nook booth lady wasn't young and she didn't tell me about cool technology. She simply slid around to a book and I knew all the words she was talking about. Sold. Then I started thinking about my homeschooled son with a literature based curriculum and I thought about the bill for shipping all of these very cumbersome (by weight) books. Sold again! Now how to sell my husband.


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